Monday, September 3, 2007

World War 2

The returning of the British on 5 September 1945 did not mean an instant return to a better life for the people.There was peace,but the people were still not free from hardships.People were jobless and living in poverty.A severe shortage of food,water,electricity and housing were resulted.People lived in slum conditions. Diseases were common due to overcrowded living conditions,poor sanitation and lack of health services.British attempted to solve the problems and put Singapore back on its feet,but these efforts were inadequate.The difficult living conditions in the post-war period explained why there were waves of Strikes and work stoppages by thousands of workers from the port,factories,transport and business companies after 1945.Strikes took place year so often in 1947 that it was remembered by many people as the year of strikes.More than 300 strikes by almost 70,000 workers were held in the year alone.These strikes became worse with the involvement of the Malayan Communist Party[MCP].The Communists stirred up people's feelings against the British through the trade unions.The British government realised that the strikes were organised by the Communists to create disorder,they passed laws to control trade unions.From 1947 onwards,all unions had to register with the government.

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