Monday, September 3, 2007

World War 2

Chinese became victims of Japanese atrocities.Japanese perceived Chinese as a threat to their rule because when Japan invaded China in 1937,they met with strong Chinese resistance,including those from outside China.Singaporeans faced severe food shortages during the Japanese Occupation.Because Singapore's entrepot trade was disrupted,available resources were used to support Japan's war efforts in other parts of Asia.
Rationing was introduced for sales of essential items like rice,salt and sugar.Many people lived in poverty and suffered from malnutrition and diseases.Foodstuffs like rice,salt and sugar were sold at high prices in the black market.People of Singapore resented Japanese rule.Anti-Japanese groups formed to fight against Japanese.Malayan Communist Party formed Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army to fight against the Japanese in the Malayan Jungle.
Another Group aimed to help the British recapture Malaya and Singapore from the Japanese was Force136.This secret organisation to gather information about the Japanese and organise sabotage activities.Members were trained in India and sent secretly to Malaya to help the MPAJA in its fight against the Japanese.One of the leaders was Lim Bo Seng,a businessman who was arrested for his anti-Japanese activities.
After atomic bombs were dropped on 6 and 9 August 1945,shortly the Japanese surrendered.The British troops returned to Singapre on 5 September 1945,huge crowds gathered at the Padang and cheered for the return of the British.In the Municipal Building,Japanese signed the surrender document which was accepted by Supreme Allied Commander for SouthEast Asia,Lord Louis Mountbatten.
A provisional government called the British Millitary Adminstration which took charge of governing Singapore.It faced a difficult task of rebuilding of the country and maintaining law and order.People faced many problems in post-war Singapore such as overcrowded living conditions,poor sanitation,lack of health services and unemployment.However,the most serious problem were shortage of food and lack of housing.There was also shortage of water and electricity and telephone services were disrupted.

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