Monday, September 3, 2007

World War 2

The Japanese did not respect the Allied prisoners-of-war(POWs) as they believed that 'one who had been captured during wartime should be beheaded or castrated at the Emperor's will '. Despite the fact that the Japanese ill-treated them,the POWs organised activities and events.A 'university' in the Changi Prison to share their knowledge and skills with one another.Lectures on general education, business training, languages, engineering, science, agriculture, law and medicine were conducted.
The Japanese did not regard the Malays and Indians as a threat to their rule.But instead,they tried to win the support from the Malays and Indians.Those who were indentified as anti-Japanese were taken in lorries to Changi and other beaches on the East Coast.Every school began with a morning assembly to sing the Japanese national anthem[Kimigayo].Radio stations were controlled by the Japanese so that the people could only listen to local broadcasts.

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